Jaffe Series (2012)

by Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine

This series of four pieces is part of a group show at Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Florida Atlantic University Libraries in Boca Raton, Florida, October 10, 2012–February 23, 2013.

Part of Combining Curves Series

[0321] “Spiral Bound” (2012). Elephant hide paper, 7" × 9" × 7" high:
(Permanent collection of Jaffe Center for Book Arts.)

[0322] “Plot Twist” (2012). Elephant hide paper, 9" × 12" × 8" high:

Part of Two Tone Series

[0323] “Page Turner” (2012). Elephant hide paper, 8" × 15" × 9" high:

[0324] “Unplotted” (2012). Elephant hide paper, 10" × 12" × 11" high:
(Permanent collection of Jaffe Center for Book Arts.)

Other Curved Crease Sculpture by Demaine & Demaine

Last updated May 15, 2015 by Erik Demaine.Accessibility