This series of three pieces is part of the Smithsonian American Art Museum's permanent collection, debuting at the “40 under 40: Craft Futures” show at the Renwick Gallery, July 20, 2012–February 3, 2013 in Washington, DC, curated by Nicholas R. Bell.
The first piece, “Natural Cycles” was also part of the juried Exhibition of Mathematical Art at the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America, January 13–16, 2010, San Francisco, California. See their webpage about this piece.
[0141] “Natural Cycles” (2009). Elephant hide paper, 9" × 9" × 9" high:
[0161] “Hugging Circles” (2011). Elephant hide paper, 11" × 10" × 10" high:
[0162] “Green Balance” (2011). Mi-Teintes paper, 15" × 10" × 16" high: