[These pages were authored by the late Thoki Yenn, and were restored here from the Internet Archive by Erik Demaine, with contributions of missing files from various readers (notably Tommy Stevens, Roberto Morassi, and Boaz Shuval). If you spot any other bugs like missing images or pages, please report them.]

CUBE SPLITTING - Orikata page 7

13 Thoki Yenn Orikata - page 7
                 CUBE - SPLITTING. 
               In the beginning is the CROSSED BOX PLEAT. 
     This CBP grew into a FLOWER, actually two flowers, one 
     of them is done with the paper white side up. and the other 
     with colored side up. The flower developed into the fruit 
     of the flower: a cube, a CUBE FRUIT, in the middle of four 
     petals, a kind of square melon, which is conveniently 
    space-saving in packing economy. 
               Considering the cube as a fruit having a peel or shell 
    or skin, this can be taken of in two equal sections: 
           The meat of this cube fruit can be split in many different 
   ways. In some species they split along the diagonals of two 
   opposite sides into HALFCUBES. These HALFCUBES 
   can be combined in a long string like the well-known 
   Rubik Snake. 
           By combining the two halfcubes into a new shape that 
   I call DISPLACED HALFCUBES, I get a new unit by taping 
   two mirrored pieces together and then tape six of these units  
   (12 pieces) together in a ring, with interesting and unexpected 
   movements when flexed. 
   Another way of splitting this most curious fruit is by cutting  
   off corners as large as possible, which means right up to the  
   diagonals of the three sides.  
   You then get four CUBE CORNERS. 
   The rest of the fruit is shaped like a tetrahedron, which can  
   be split into two equal HALF TETRAHEDRA. 
   They are known as the pyramid puzzle, because of the fact, 
   that some people have difficulties in seeing the way in which 
   they form a tetrahedron. 
   If the cube is split along its four diagonals, six PYRAMIDS  
   become the result, and if these are hinged along five edges,  
                                           -  7  -
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updated 13. JUNE 2000