19th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry

June 8-10, 2003 - San Diego, USA
In conjunction with FCRC 2003
Sponsored by ACM SIGACT and SIGGRAPH

List of Accepted Videos

  1. Curves of Bounded Width and the Asteroid Surveying Problem
    Timothy Chan and Alexander Golynski and Alejandro López-Ortiz and Claude-Guy Quimper
  2. VASCO: Visualizing and Animating Spatial Constructs and Operations
    Frantisek Brabec and Hanan Samet and Cemal Yilmaz
  3. Billboard Clouds for Extreme Model Simplification
    Xavier Décoret and Frédo Durand and François Sillion and Julie Dorsey
  4. A 3-D Visualization of Kirkpatrick's Planar Point Location
    John Iacono
  5. Morphing between Shapes by Using their Straight Skeletons
    Gill Barequet and Evgeny Yakersberg
  6. 3DTreeDraw: A Three Dimensional Tree Drawing System
    Tom Murtagh and Seok-Hee Hong
  7. Online Dispersion Algorithms for Swarms of Robots
    Tien-Ruey Hsiang and Esther M. Arkin and Michael A. Bender and Sándor P. Fekete and Joseph S. B. Mitchell
  8. Finding a Curve in a Map
    Carola Wenk and Helmut Alt and Alon Efrat and Lingeshwaran Palaniappan and Günter Rote
  9. Fast Penetration Depth Estimation Using Rasterization Hardware and Hierarchical Refinement
    Young J. Kim and Miguel A. Otaduy and Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha

19th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 2003