Erik Demaine's List of Events

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APPROX 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998

APPROX 2010: 13th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 18, 2010
When: September 1-3, 2010
Where: UPC, Barcelona, Spain
Accept: June 12, 2010
Final: June 23, 2010
Topic: algorithms
Sibling: RANDOM 2010
PC: Chandra Chekuri (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Uriel Feige (The Weizmann Institute), Pierre Fraigniaud (CNRS and University Paris Diderot), Magnus M. Halldorsson (Reykjavik University), Christos Kaklamanis (Patras University), Anna Karlin (University of Washington), Samir Khuller (University of Maryland), Guy Kortsarz (Rutgers at Camden), Monaldo Mastrolilli (IDSIA Lugano), Claire Mathieu (Brown University), Zeev Nutov (The Open University of Israel), Giuseppe Persiano (University of Salerno), Maria Serna (chair; UPC Barcelona), Martin Skutella (TU Berlin), Maxim Sviridenko (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), David P. Williamson (Cornell University)

APPROX 2009: 12th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 12, 2009 (5:00pm PDT)
When: August 21-23, 2009
Where: HP Auditorium, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
Accept: June 1, 2009
Final: June 15, 2009
Topic: algorithms
Sibling: RANDOM 2009

APPROX 2008: 11th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 7, 2008
When: August 25-27, 2008
Where: MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Accept: May 23, 2008
Final: June 15, 2008
Register: July 31, 2008 (early)
Topic: algorithms
PC: Matthew Andrews, Timothy Chan, Julia Chuzhoy, Uriel Feige, Ashish Goel (chair), Elad Hazan, Stefano Leonardi, Aranyak Mehta, Vahab Mirrokni, Kamesh Munagala, Adi Rosen, David Shmoys, Adrian Vetta, Jan Vondrak, David Williamson
Sibling: RANDOM 2008

APPROX 2007: 10th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 7, 2007 (17:00 PDT)
When: August 20-22, 2007
Where: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Accept: May 27, 2007
Final: June 10, 2007
Topic: algorithms
SC: Susanne Albers, Dorit Hochbaum, Klaus Jansen, Samir Khuller, José Rolim, Vijay Vazirani
Sibling: RANDOM 2007
Plenary: Sanjeev Khanna, Rocco Servedio, Charles Fefferman
PC: Nikhil Bansal, Moses Charikar (chair), Chandra Chekuri, Julia Chuzhoy, Venkatesan Guruswami, Howard Karloff, Guy Kortsarz, Robert Krauthgamer, Claire Mathieu, Seffi Naor, Chaitanya Swamy, Lisa Zhang

APPROX 2006: 9th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 18, 2006 (5pm PDT)
When: August 28-31, 2006
Where: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Accept: May 31, 2006
Final: June 15, 2006
Topic: algorithms
Sibling: RANDOM 2006
Plenary: Nick Wormald, Johan Håstad
PC: Jittat Fakcharoenphol, Uriel Feige, Anupam Gupta, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Johan Håstad, Amit Kumar, James R. Lee, Mohammad Mahdian, Jiří Sgall, Vijay Vazirani, Gerhard Woeginger, Uri Zwick (chair)
Paper count: 56 (submitted), 22 (accepted)

APPROX 2005: 8th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 14, 2005 (5pm PDT)
When: August 22-24, 2005
Where: Soda Hall, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Accept: May 26, 2005
Final: June 15, 2005
Topic: algorithms
Sibling: RANDOM 2005
PC: Matthew Andrews, Avrim Blum, Moses Charikar, Chandra Chekuri (chair), Julia Chuzhoy, Uriel Feige, Naveen Garg, Howard Karloff, Stavros Kolliopoulos, Adam Meyerson, Seffi Naor, Santosh Vempala
Paper count: 50 (submitted), 20 (accepted)

APPROX 2004: 7th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 12, 2004 (5:00pm PDT)
When: August 22-24, 2004
Where: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Accept: May 26, 2004
Final: June 15, 2004
Topic: algorithms
PC: Chandra Chekuri, Lisa Fleischer, Sudipto Guha, Sanjeev Khanna (chair), Rajmohan Rajaraman, Tim Roughgarden, Baruch Schieber, Martin Skutella, Dan Spielman, Luca Trevisan, Mihalis Yannakakis, Neal Young
Plenary: Madhu Sudan, Vijay Vazirani
Sibling: RANDOM 2004
Paper count: 54 (submitted), 19 (accepted)

APPROX 2003: 6th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 14, 2003 (11:59pm PDT)
When: August 24-26, 2003
Where: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Accept: May 28, 2003
Final: June 17, 2003
Topic: algorithms
Paper count: 40 (submitted), 16 (accepted)
Sibling: RANDOM 2003
PC: Sanjeev Arora (chair), Yossi Azar, Gruia Calinescu, Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, George Karakostas, Philip Klein, Robert Krauthgamer, Kamal Jain, Stefano Leonardi, Yuri Rabinovich, David Williamson

APPROX 2002: 5th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: May 20, 2002 (11:59pm PDT)
When: September 17-21, 2002
Where: Universitá di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
Accept: June 20, 2002
Final: July 8, 2002
Topic: algorithms
Paper count: 54 (submitted), 20 (accepted)
Plenary: Yuval Rabani, R. Ravi
PC: Giorgio Ausiello, Josep Diaz, Ashish Goel, Ravi Kannan, Sanjeev Khanna, Elias Koutsoupias, Ion Mandoiu, Kurt Mehlhorn, Yuval Rabani, Eva Tardos, Vijay Vazirani (chair), Gerhard Woeginger, Alexander Zelikovsky
Parent: ALGO 2002

APPROX 2001: 4th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 2, 2001
When: August 18-20, 2001
Where: Berkeley, California, USA
Accept: May 23, 2001
Final: June 11, 2001
Topic: algorithms
PC: Michel Goemans (chair), Moses Charikar, Uriel Feige, Naveen Garg, Dorit Hochbaum, Howard Karloff, Claire Kenyon, Seffi Naor, Ramamoorthi Ravi, Baruch Schieber, Santosh Vempala
Plenary: Michel Goemans, Russell Impagliazzo, Anna Karlin, Luca Trevisan, Salil Vadhan
Sibling: RANDOM 2001
Paper count: 34 (submitted), 14 (accepted)

APPROX 2000: 3rd International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 3, 2000
When: September 6-8, 2000
Where: Saarbruecken, Germany
Accept: May 29, 2000
Final: June 29, 2000
Tags: attended
Topic: algorithms
Plenary: Sanjeev Arora, Dorit S. Hochbaum, Rolf H. Möhring, David B. Shmoys
PC: Klaus Jansen, Tao Jiang, Sanjeev Khanna, Samir Khuller, Jon Kleinberg, Stefano Leonardi, Rajeev Motwani, Baruch Schieber, Martin Skutella, Eva Tardos, Gerhard Woeginger, Neal Young
Paper count: 68 (submitted), 23 (accepted)
Parent: ALGO 2000

APPROX 1999: 2nd International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Due: April 2, 1999
When: August 8-11, 1999
Where: Berkeley, California, USA
Topic: algorithms
Paper count: 44 (RANDOM+APPROX submitted), 24 (RANDOM+APPROX accepted)
Sibling: RANDOM 1999
PC: Dorit Hochbaum, Sanjeev Arora, Leslie Hall, Samir Khuller, Phil Klein, Kurt Mehlhorn, Joe Mitchell, Seffi Naor, David Peleg, Vijay Vazirani, David Williamson, Gerhard Woeginger
Plenary: Uri Feige, Christos Papadimitriou, Madhu Sudan, Avi Wigderson

APPROX 1998: International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization

When: July 18-19, 1998
Where: Aalborg, Denmark
Topic: algorithms
PC: Ed Coffman, Pierluigi Crescenzi, Ulrich Faigle, Michel X. Goemans, Peter Gritzmann, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Johan Håstad, Klaus Jansen (cochair), Claire Kenyon, Andrzej Lingas, George Lueker, Ernst W. Mayr, Jose D. P. Rolim (cochair), Andreas Schulz, David B. Shmoys, Jan van Leeuwen
Plenary: Magnús M. Halldórsson, David B. Shmoys, Vijay V. Vazirani
Paper count: 37 (submitted), 14 (accepted)