Erik Demaine's List of Events

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ATMOS 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

ATMOS 2010: 10th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems

When: September 9, 2010
Where: University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Topic: algorithms
Parent: ALGO 2010

ATMOS 2009: 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems

Due: June 7, 2009
When: September 10, 2009
Where: IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Accept: July 6, 2009
Final: August 23, 2009
Topic: algorithms
PC: Serafino Cicerone (University of L'Aquila, Italy), Jens Clausen (chair; Technical University of Denmark), Gabriele Di Stefano (chair; University of L'Aquila, Italy), Michel Gendreau (Université de Montréal, Canada), Riko Jacob (Technical University München, Germany), Julie Jespersen Groth (DSB S-tog, Denmark), Leo Kroon (RSM Erasmus University and Netherlands Railways, The Netherlands), Gilbert Laporte (HEC Montréal and GERAD, Canada), Juan A. Mesa (University of Sevilla, Spain), Anita Schöbel (University of Goettingen, Germany), Martin Skutella (Technical University Berlin, Germany), Paolo Toth (University of Bologna, Italy), Gerhard J. Woeginger (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Christos Zaroliagis (CTI and University of Patras, Greece)
Parent: ALGO 2009

ATMOS 2008: 8th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems

Due: May 18, 2008
When: September 18, 2008
Where: Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Accept: July 3, 2008
Final: July 11, 2008
Topic: algorithms
Parent: ALGO 2008
PC: Cynthia Barnhart (MIT), Ralf Borndörfer (Zuse Institute Berlin), Alberto Caprara (U. of Bologna), Jens Clausen (Technical U. of Denmark), Guy Desaulniers (GERAD, Ecole Polytechnique Montréal), Matteo Fischetti (cochair; U. of Padova), Leo Kroon (RSM Erasmus University and Netherlands Railways), Marc Nunkesser (ETH Zurich), Anita Schöbel (U. of Göttingen), Dorothea Wagner (U. of Karlsruhe), Peter Widmayer (chair; ETH Zurich)

ATMOS 2007: 7th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems

Due: August 5, 2007
When: November 16, 2007
Where: Sevilla, Spain
Topic: algorithms
PC: Ravindra K. Ahuja (cochair), Matteo Fischetti, Dennis Huisman, Gilbert Laporte, Janny Leung, Christian Liebchen (cochair), Juan A. Mesa, Matthias Mueller-Hannemann, Klaus Noekel, Leena Suhl, Christos Zaroliagis

ATMOS 2006: 6th Workshop on Algorithmic meThods and Models for Optimization of railwayS

Where: Zürich, Switzerland
Register: August 4, 2006 (early)
Topic: algorithms
Parent: ALGO 2006