Erik Demaine's List of Events

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DNA 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2001, 2000

DNA 2014: 20th International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

Due: April 15, 2014
When: September 22-26, 2014
Where: Shiran-kaikan, Kyoto University, Japan
Accept: May 30, 2014
Final: June 20, 2014
Register: August 5, 2014 (early)
Topic: biology

DNA 2012: 18th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

When: August 15-18, 2012
Where: Center for DNA Nanotechnology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Topic: biology
OC: Kurt Gothelf (chair), Thom LaBean, John Reif, Hao Yan

DNA 2011: 17th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

Due: May 2, 2011 (10pm PST)
When: September 19-23, 2011
Where: Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA
Accept: June 19, 2011
Final: July 17, 2011
Hotel: August 19, 2011
Topic: biology
PC: Luca Cardelli (cochair); William Shih (cochair)
OC: Erik Winfree (chair)

DNA 2010: 16th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming

Due: March 15, 2010
When: June 14-17, 2010
Where: HKUST, Hong Kong, China
Topic: biology
Plenary: Erik Demaine (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA), Satoshi Kobayashi (University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan), Nadrian C. Seeman (New York University, New York, USA), Christina Smolke (Stanford University, Stanford, USA), David Soloveichik (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA), Akira Suyama (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), Benzhong Tang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China)
Register count: 85
Paper count: 58 (submitted), 12 (Track A accepted), 11 (Track B accepted), 23 (poster)
PC: Yasubumi Sakakibara (cochair; Keio University, Tokyo, Japan), Lloyd Smith (cochair; University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA), Luca Cardelli (Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK), Anne Condon (Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia), Russell Deaton (University of Arkansas, USA), Giuditta Franco (University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Max Garzon (University of Memphis, Memphis USA), Masami Hagiya (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), Dongsheng Liu (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), Lila Kari (University of Western Ontario, London, Canada), Ehud Keinan (Technion University, Haifa, Israel), Eric Klavins (University of Washington, Seattle, USA), Chengde Mao (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA), Yongli Mi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong), Satoshi Murata (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Andrei Paun (Louisiana Technology University, Baton Rouge, USA), John Reif Duke (University, Durham, USA), Nadrian Seeman (New York University, New York, USA), Darkoo Stefanovic (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA), David Soloveichik (CalTech, USA), Andrew Turberfield (University of Oxford, England), Hao Yan (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA)
OC: Yongli Mi (chair), Dongsheng Liu (cochair)

DNA 2001: 7th International Meeting on DNA Based Computers

When: June 10-13, 2001
Where: University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA
Topic: biology

DNA 2000: 6th International Meeting on DNA Based Computers

Due: February 21, 2000 (4pm PST; extended from February 11, 2000)
When: June 13-17, 2000
Where: University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands
Note: LNCS
Topic: biology