Erik Demaine's List of Events

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FWCG 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991

FWCG 2019: 29th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

When: October 18-19, 2019
Where: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Topic: geometry

FWCG 2017: 27th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 6, 2017
When: November 3-4, 2017
Where: Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA
Accept: October 13, 2017
Final: October 27, 2017
Register: October 30, 2017
Topic: geometry
Fee: free

FWCG 2016: 26th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: September 30, 2016 (24:00 AOE)
When: October 27-28, 2016
Where: University of New York Graduate Center, New York, New York, USA   url:
Topic: geometry
Fee: free

FWCG 2014: 24th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 3, 2014
When: October 31 - November 1, 2014
Where: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA
Topic: geometry
Fee: free

FWCG 2012: 22nd Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 12, 2012
When: November 9-10, 2012
Where: University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
Accept: October 19, 2012
Final: November 5, 2012
Register: November 5, 2012
Topic: geometry
PC: F. Betül Atalay (Saint Joseph's University), Esther Ezra (Courant Institute of Mathematical Science), Joseph S.B. Mitchell (cochair, Stony Brook University), David Mount (cochair, University of Maryland), Thomas J. Peters (University of Connecticut), Jeff M. Phillips (University of Utah), Jack Snoeyink (University of North Carolina), Ileana Streinu (Smith College)
Fee: free

FWCG 2011: 21st Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 10, 2011
When: November 4-5, 2011
Where: City College of New York, New York, New York, USA
Accept: October 17, 2011
Register: October 31, 2011
Topic: geometry

FWCG 2010: 20th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 1, 2010 (abstracts); October 15, 2010 (posters)
When: October 29-30, 2010
Where: Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA
Accept: October 11, 2010 (abstracts)
Final: October 25, 2010 (abstracts)
Hotel: October 15, 2010
Register: October 25, 2010
Topic: geometry
Plenary: Christopher J. Bishop, Erik Demaine
Fee: free
PC: Esther M. Arkin (Stony Brook University), Gill Barequet (Technion), Ovidiu Daescu (UT Dallas), Jie Gao (Stony Brook University), Gary Miller (Carnegie Mellon University), Joseph S. B. Mitchell (chair; Stony Brook University), Diane L. Souvaine (Tufts University)

FWCG 2009: 19th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: September 25, 2009
When: November 13-14, 2009
Where: Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA
Accept: October 19, 2009
Final: October 26, 2009
Hotel: October 26, 2009
Topic: geometry
Register count: 125 (total), 44 (FWCG only), 10 (CRA only), 71 (FWCG and CRA)
PC: Esther M. Arkin (SUNY Stony Brook), Gill Barequet (chair; Technion and Tufts University), Lenore J. Cowen (Tufts University), R.L. Scot Drysdale (Dartmouth College), Audrey Lee-St. John (Mt. Holyoke College), Anna Lubiw (Univ. of Waterloo and MIT), Joseph S.B. Mitchell (SUNY Stony Brook), Diane L. Souvaine (Tufts University), Csaba Toth (Univ. of Calgary and Tufts University), Godfried T. Toussaint (McGill University and Harvard)

FWCG 2008: 18th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: September 22, 2008 (talks; extended from September 15, 2008); September 26, 2008 (posters and multimedia; extended from September 22, 2008)
When: October 31 - November 1, 2008
Where: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
Accept: September 29, 2008 (talks); October 1, 2008 (posters and multimedia)
Final: October 16, 2008
Register: October 16, 2008
Topic: geometry
PC: W. Randolph Franklin (chair; RPI), Jon Bentley (Avaya), Barbara Cutler (RPI), Erik Demaine (MIT), Scot Drysdale (Dartmouth), Volkan Isler (Minn), Audrey Lee (U Mass, Amherst), Joe Michell (Stony Brook), Ileana Streinu (Smith)
OC: Barb Cutler (chair; RPI), W. Randolph Franklin (RPI), Robin Flatland (Siena)

FWCG 2007: 17th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: September 24, 2007 (11:59 EDT; papers; extended from September 21, 2007); September 30, 2007 (posters)
When: November 9-10, 2007
Where: IBM Research Hawthorne, Hawthorne, New York, USA
Accept: October 5, 2007
Final: October 26, 2007
Topic: geometry
OC: Jon Lenchner (chair), János Pach, Ricky Pollack
PC: Erik Demaine, Jon Lenchner (chair), Joe Mitchell, Janos Pach, Ileana Streinu, Jack Snoeyink, Diane Souvaine, Afra Zomorodian

FWCG 2006: 16th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: September 22, 2006
When: November 10-11, 2006 (workshop); November 12, 2006 (Rigidity Theory Day)
Where: Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Accept: October 6, 2006
Final: October 27, 2006
Topic: geometry
OC: Ileana Streinu (chair), Audrey Lee, Louis Theran, Naomi Fox
Plenary: Greg Chirikjian, Branko Grünbaum, Igor Pak, Marjorie Senechal
PC: Hervé Brönnimann, Jie Gao, Joseph Mitchell, Joseph O'Rourke, Diane Souvaine, Ileana Streinu (chair), Roberto Tamassia, Afra Zomorodian

FWCG 2005: 15th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry and Visualization

Due: October 19, 2005
When: November 18-19, 2005
Where: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Accept: October 26, 2005
Final: November 2, 2005
Topic: geometry
PC: Ken Clarkson, Jeff Erickson, Jean Gallier, John Iacono, Shankar Krishnan, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Ileana Streinu, Suresh Venkatasubramanian (chair)
Fee: free
Plenary: Tamal K. Dey, James R. Lee, Donna J. Peuquet, Mona Singh

FWCG 2004: 14th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 19, 2004
When: November 19-20, 2004
Where: 32-141, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Accept: October 26, 2004
Tags: chair, OC, PC
Topic: geometry
Register count: 93 (total), 41 (student), 5 (postdoc), 35 (faculty), 4 (researcher), 8 (other)
PC: Erik Demaine (chair), Martin Demaine, Piotr Indyk, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Joseph O'Rourke, Diane Souvaine, Ileana Streinu
Fee: free
Plenary: Moses Charikar, Craig Gotsman, Daniela Rus, Godfried Toussaint
Paper count: 45 (submitted), 31 (accepted)
OC: Erik Demaine (chair)

FWCG 2002: DIMACS Workshop on Computational Geometry (12th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry)

Due: October 11, 2002
When: November 14-15, 2002
Where: DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Accept: October 18, 2002
Tags: PC, attended, paper, presented
Topic: geometry
Fee: free
PC: Herve Bronnimann, Erik Demaine, Steven Fortune, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Ileana Streinu, Suresh Venkatasubramanian
Register count: 69 (total), 28 (student)
OC: Joseph S. B. Mitchell
Paper count: 30 (accepted)
Plenary: Regina Liu, Timothy Chan, Lydia Kavraki, Piotr Indyk

FWCG 2001: 11th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 8, 2001 (extended)
When: November 2-3, 2001
Where: Auditorium, Library/CATT Building, Polytechnic University, New York, New York, USA
Accept: October 16, 2001
Tags: attended, paper, presented
Topic: geometry
Paper count: 27 (accepted)
Plenary: Tom Barclay, Bud Mishra, Mark Shephard, Ken Clarkson
OC: Herve Bronnimann (chair)
Register count: 64 (total)
PC: Pankaj K. Agarwal, Boris Aronov, Herve Bronnimann, Yi-Jen Chiang, Michael T. Goodrich, John Iacono, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Jack Snoeyink, Roberto Tamassia
Fee: free

FWCG 2000: 10th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Due: October 3, 2000 (2-page abstract)
When: October 27-28, 2000
Where: Room S-240, Math Tower, University at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, USA
Accept: October 10, 2000
Tags: attended, paper, presented
Topic: geometry
OC: Joseph S. B. Mitchell (chair)
Plenary: George Hart, Ari Kaufman, Micha Sharir, Ileana Streinu
Paper count: 26 (accepted)
Predecessor: CGC 1999
Fee: free
Register count: 107 (total), 51 (student)
PC: Pankaj K. Agarwal, Estie M. Arkin, Michael A. Bender, Michael T. Goodrich, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Steven S. Skiena, Roberto Tamassia

FWCG 1995: 5th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Where: Stony Brook, New York, USA
Topic: geometry
Plenary: Stephen Omohundro, V. T. Rajan, Chee Yap, Ken Clarkson
Successor: CGC 1996
Register count: 75 (total)

FWCG 1994: 4th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Where: Stony Brook, New York, USA
Topic: geometry
Register count: 89 (total)
Plenary: Brian Smith, Herb Voelker, Vijay Srinivasan, Mike Goodrich, Micha Sharir

FWCG 1993: 3rd Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Where: Stony Brook, New York, USA
Topic: geometry
Register count: 66 (total)
Plenary: Jarek Rossignac, David Eppstein, Tomas Lozano-Perez, David Mizell, Diane Souvaine, Leonidas Guibas, Steven Fortune

FWCG 1992: 2nd Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Where: Stony Brook, New York, USA
Topic: geometry
Plenary: Marshall Bern, Bernard Chazelle, Christoph Hoffmann, Dan Huttenlocher, Joe O'Rourke, Gordon Wilfong
Register count: 109 (total)

FWCG 1991: 1st Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry

Where: Stony Brook, New York, USA
Topic: geometry
Plenary: Mike Karasick, David Dobkin, Subhash Suri, David Mount, Paul Chew
Register count: 100 (total)