Erik Demaine's List of Events

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Math Info 2008, Info 2006, Info 2004, Info 2002, Info 2000, 2000, Fest 1998

MathInfo 2008: 5th Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities

Due: April 22, 2008 (abstract; extended from April 17, 2008); April 30, 2008 (paper; extended from April 17, 2008)
When: September 22-26, 2008
Where: Blaubeuren, Germany
Accept: June 14, 2008
Final: July 14, 2008
Register: June 29, 2008 (early)
Topic: algorithms, combinatorics

MathInfo 2006: 4th Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities

Due: April 10, 2006 (extended from April 2, 2006)
When: September 18-22, 2006
Where: Institut Élie Cartan, Nancy, France
Accept: June 15, 2006
Final: July 15, 2006
Topic: algorithms, combinatorics

MathInfo 2004: 3rd Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities

When: September 13-17, 2004
Where: Vienna, Austria
Topic: algorithms, combinatorics

MathInfo 2002: 2nd Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities

When: September 16-19, 2002
Where: Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France
Topic: algorithms, combinatorics

MathInfo 2000: Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities

Due: March 15, 2000
When: September 18-20, 2000
Where: Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France
Accept: May 31, 2000
Final: June 15, 2000
Note: French and English
Topic: algorithms, mathematics

Math 2000: A joint meeting of CAIMS, CSHPM, SCHPM, and CSFD

When: June 10-13, 2000
Where: McMaster University, Canada
Topic: math

MathFest 1998

When: July 15-18, 1998
Where: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Register: May 29, 1998 (early)
Tags: attended
Topic: general