Erik Demaine's List of Events

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SPIRE 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1999

SPIRE 2006: 13th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: April 14, 2006
When: October 11-13, 2006
Where: Glasgow, Scotland
Accept: June 2, 2006
Final: June 23, 2006
Topic: algorithms, IR
Paper count: 26 (accepted), 97 (submitted)

SPIRE 2005: 12th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: June 7, 2005 (abstract); June 14, 2005 (papers)
When: November 2-4, 2005
Where: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Accept: July 19, 2005
Final: August 12, 2005
Topic: algorithms, IR

SPIRE 2004: 11th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: May 22, 2004
When: October 5-8, 2004
Where: University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Accept: June 30, 2004
Final: July 20, 2004
Topic: algorithms, IR

SPIRE 2003: 10th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: April 21, 2003
When: October 8-10, 2003
Where: Manaus, Brazil
Accept: June 16, 2003
Final: July 16, 2003
Topic: algorithms, IR

SPIRE 2002: 9th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: April 22, 2002
When: September 11-13, 2002
Where: Lisbon, Portugal
Accept: May 24, 2002
Final: June 21, 2002
Topic: algorithms, IR

SPIRE 2001: 8th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: May 7, 2001
When: November 13-15, 2001
Where: Laguna de San Rafael, Chile
Accept: June 18, 2001
Final: July 9, 2001
Topic: algorithms, IR

SPIRE 1999: 7th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

Due: April 16, 1999
When: September 22-24, 1999
Where: Cancun, Mexico
Note: Proceedings usually published by the IEEE Computer Society Press
Topic: algorithms, IR