Where: | Boston, Massachusetts |
Due: | November 4, 2014 (3:59pm EST) |
When: | June 14-17, 2015 |
Where: | Portland, Oregon |
Accept: | February 6, 2015 |
Final: | March 19, 2015 |
URL: | http://people.csail.mit.edu/ronitt/2015cfp.html |
Parent: | FCRC 2015 |
Due: | November 11, 2013 (4:00pm EST) |
When: | May 31 - June 3, 2014 |
Where: | New York, New York, USA |
Accept: | February 4, 2014 |
Final: | March 19, 2014 |
URL: | http://www.columbia.edu/~cs2035/stoc/stoc2014/ |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 322 (submitted), 91 (accepted) |
Register count: | 372 (total), 171 (students) |
Due: | November 2, 2011 (4:59pm EST) |
When: | May 19-22, 2012 |
Where: | New York, New York, USA |
Accept: | February 5, 2012 |
Final: | March 23, 2012 |
URL: | http://cs.nyu.edu/~stoc2012/ |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
PC: | Richard Cleve (Waterloo), Parikshit Gopalan (Microsoft Research SVC), Jason Hartline (Northwestern), Tom Hayes (New Mexico), Anna Karlin (UWashington), Sanjeev Khanna (Penn), Andrew McGregor (UMass), Rina Panigrahy (Microsoft Research SVC), Toniann Pitassi (chair; Toronto), Ran Raz (Weizmann), Charles Rackoff (Toronto), Satish Rao (Berkeley), Oded Regev (Tel Aviv & ENS Paris), Dana Ron (Tel Aviv), Guy Rothblum (Princeton and Microsoft Research SVC), Amin Saberi (Stanford), Rahul Santhanam (Edinburgh), Shubhangi Saraf (IAS), Daniel Spielman (Yale), Madhur Tulsiani (TTI Chicago), Suresh Venkatasubramanian (Utah), Avi Wigderson (IAS), David Williamson (Cornell) |
OC: | Yevgeniy Dodis (chair; NYU) |
Due: | November 4, 2010 (4:59pm EST) |
When: | June 6-8, 2011 |
Where: | San Jose, California, USA |
Accept: | February 3, 2011 |
Final: | March 24, 2011 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Parent: | FCRC 2011 |
Due: | November 5, 2009 (3:59 PST) |
When: | June 6-8, 2010 |
Where: | Cambridge, Massachusetts, MA |
Accept: | February 9, 2010 |
Final: | March 30, 2010 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
After: | Complexity 2010 |
Due: | November 10, 2008 (abstracts); November 17, 2008 (papers) |
When: | May 31 - June 2, 2009 |
Where: | Bethesda, Maryland, USA |
Accept: | February 6, 2009 |
URL: | http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/conferences/stoc2009/ |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
OC: | Jonathan Katz (Univ of Maryland), David Mount (Univ of Maryland), Aravind Srinivasan (chair, Univ of Maryland) |
PC: | Susanne Albers (Univ of Freiburg), Andris Ambainis (Univ of Latvia), Nikhil Bansal (IBM Research), Paul Beame (Univ of Washington), Andrej Bogdanov (Tsinghua Univ), Ran Canetti (Tel Aviv Univ), David Eppstein (UC Irvine), Dmitry Gavinsky (NEC labs), Leslie Ann Goldberg (Univ of Liverpool), Shafi Goldwasser (MIT), Nicole Immorlica (Northwestern Univ), Anna Karlin (Univ of Washington), Jonathan Katz (Univ of Maryland), Jonathan Kelner (MIT), Subhash Khot (New York Univ), Ravi Kumar (Yahoo! Research), Michael Mitzenmacher (chair; Harvard Univ), Kamesh Munagala (Duke Univ), Rasmus Pagh (IT Univ of Copenhagen), Anup Rao (Institute for Advanced Study), Rocco Servedio (Columbia Univ), Mikkel Thorup (AT&T Labs-Research), Chris Umans (California Inst of Technology), Lisa Zhang (Bell Laboratories) |
Due: | November 19, 2007 (7:59pm EST) |
When: | May 17-20, 2008 |
Where: | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
Accept: | February 4, 2008 |
Final: | March 6, 2008 |
URL: | http://www.csc.uvic.ca/~stoc2008/, http://campus.acm.org/calendar/confpage.cfm?ConfID=2008-8396 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
OC: | Bruce Kapron, Valerie King, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Ulrike Stege |
PC: | James Aspnes, Shai Ben-David, Shuchi Chawla, Bernard Chazelle, Steve Chien, Xiaotie Deng, Cynthia Dwork (Chair), Martin Dyer, Ronald Fagin, Joan Feigenbaum, Anupam Gupta, Venkatesan Guruswami, Konstantin Makarychev, Elchanan Mossel, Rafael Pass, Oded Regev, Omer Reingold, Ronitt Rubinfeld, David Shmoys, Luca Trevisan, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao |
Due: | November 20, 2006 (7:59pm EST) |
When: | June 11-13, 2007 |
Where: | San Diego, California, USA |
Accept: | February 18, 2007 |
Final: | March 23, 2007 |
Hotel: | May 9, 2007 |
Register: | May 11, 2007 (early) |
URL: | http://research.microsoft.com/research/theory/feige/homepagefiles/stoc07.htm, http://research.microsoft.com/research/theory/feige/homepagefiles/stoc2007accept.txt |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Parent: | FCRC 2007 |
OC: | David Johnson (chair) |
PC: | Eric Allender, Andris Ambainis, Chandra Chekuri, Artur Czumaj, Yevgeniy Dodis, Uriel Feige (chair), Michel Goemans, Martin Grohe, Russell Impagliazzo, Valerie King, Robert Kleinberg, Vladlen Koltun, Robi Krauthgamer, Jiri Matousek, Milena Mihail, Ryan O'Donnell, Vijaya Ramachandran, Leonard Schulman, Maxim Sviridenko, Mikkel Thorup, Salil Vadhan, Santosh Vempala |
Paper count: | 312 (submitted), 78 (accepted), 5 (withdrawn) |
Due: | November 3, 2005 (5:59pm EST) |
When: | May 21-23, 2006 |
Where: | Seattle, Washington, USA |
Accept: | January 31, 2006 |
Register: | April 20, 2006 (early) |
URL: | http://www.cs.washington.edu/stoc06/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1132516 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Plenary: | Prabhakar Raghavan, Russell Impagliazzo |
Paper count: | 288 (submitted), 78 (accepted) |
Due: | November 4, 2004 (5:59pm EST) |
When: | May 22-24, 2005 |
Where: | Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
URL: | http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~stoc05/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1060590 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Plenary: | Lance Fortnow |
Paper count: | 290 (submitted), 84 (accepted) |
Due: | November 5, 2003 (4:59pm EST) |
When: | June 13-15, 2004 |
Where: | Chicago, Illinois, USA |
Accept: | February 4, 2004 |
Final: | March 15, 2004 |
URL: | http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~stoc04/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1007352 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 271 (submitted), 70 (accepted), 1 (withdrawn) |
Plenary: | Andris Ambainis, Eva Tardos, Avi Wigderson |
Due: | November 6, 2002 (11:59pm EDT) |
When: | June 9-11, 2003 |
Where: | San Diego, California, USA |
Accept: | January 28, 2003 |
Final: | March 12, 2003 |
URL: | http://www.egr.unlv.edu/~bein/stoc03.html, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=780542 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 270 (submitted), 80 (accepted) |
Parent: | FCRC 2003 |
Due: | November 12, 2001 (5:59pm EST) |
When: | May 19-21, 2002 |
Where: | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Accept: | January 20, 2002 |
Final: | February 20, 2002 |
URL: | http://omega.CRM.UMontreal.CA/STOC'02/, http://sigact.acm.org/stoc02/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=509907 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 287 (submitted), 91 (accepted) |
Due: | October 31, 2000 (5:59pm EST) |
When: | July 6-8, 2001 |
Where: | Crete, Greece |
Accept: | January 24, 2001 |
Final: | March 22, 2001 |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc01/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=380752 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 230 (submitted), 83 (accepted) |
Due: | October 12, 1999 (5:59pm EST; electronic) |
When: | May 21-23, 2000 |
Where: | Portland, Oregon, USA |
Accept: | January 6, 2000 |
Final: | February 18, 2000 |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc00/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=335305 |
Note: | Precedes RealWorld 2000 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 239 (total) |
Paper count: | 182 (submitted), 85 (accepted) |
When: | May 1-4, 1999 |
Where: | Atlanta, Georgia |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc99/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=301250 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Parent: | FCRC 1999 |
Register count: | 285 (total) |
When: | May 23-26, 1998 |
Where: | Dallas, Texas, USA |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc98/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=276698 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 169 (submitted), 75 (accepted) |
When: | May 4-6, 1997 |
Where: | El Paso, Texas, USA |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc97/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=258533 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 211 (submitted), 75 (accepted) |
Register count: | 201 (total) |
When: | May 22-24, 1996 |
Where: | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc96/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=237814 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 362 (total) |
Parent: | FCRC 1996 |
Paper count: | 201 (submitted), 74 (accepted) |
When: | May 29 - June 1, 1995 |
Where: | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA |
URL: | http://sigact.acm.org/stoc95/, http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=225058 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 268 (total) |
When: | May 23-25, 1994 |
Where: | Montréal, Québec, Canada |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=195058 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 305 (total) |
When: | May 16-18, 1993 |
Where: | San Diego, California, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=167088 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 470 (total) |
When: | May 4-6, 1992 |
Where: | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=129712 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 341 (total) |
When: | May 6-8, 1991 |
Where: | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=103418 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 343 (total), 121 (students) |
When: | May 14-16, 1990 |
Where: | Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=100216 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 214 (submitted), 59 (accepted) |
Register count: | 418 (total), 151 (students) |
When: | May 15-17, 1989 |
Where: | Seattle, Washington, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=73007 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 196 (submitted), 56 (accepted) |
Register count: | 395 (total), 113 (students) |
When: | May 2-4, 1988 |
Where: | Chicago, Illinois, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=62212 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 385 (total) |
Paper count: | 192 (submitted), 53 (accepted) |
When: | May 25-27, 1987 |
Where: | New York, New York, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=28395 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 503 (total), 220 (students) |
Paper count: | 165 (submitted), 50 (accepted) |
When: | May 28-30, 1986 |
Where: | Berkeley, California, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=12130 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 175 (submitted), 47 (accepted) |
Register count: | 430 (total), 430 (students) |
When: | May 6-8, 1985 |
Where: | Providence, Rhode Island, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=22145 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 423 (total), 130 (students) |
When: | April 30 - May 2, 1984 |
Where: | Washington, D.C., USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800057 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 388 (total), 133 (students) |
When: | May 25-27, 1983 |
Where: | Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800061 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 360 (total), 90 (students) |
When: | May 5-7, 1982 |
Where: | San Francisco, California, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800070 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 300 (total) |
When: | May 11-13, 1989 |
Where: | Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800076 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 259 (total) |
When: | April 28-30, 1980 |
Where: | Los Angeles, California, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800141 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 260 (total) |
Paper count: | 125 (submitted), 47 (accepted) |
When: | April 30 - May 2, 1979 |
Where: | Atlanta, Georgia, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800135 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 111 (submitted), 37 (accepted) |
Register count: | 175 (total) |
When: | May 1-3, 1978 |
Where: | San Diego, California, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800133 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 120 (submitted), 38 (accepted) |
Register count: | 175 (total), 40 (students) |
When: | May 2-4, 1977 |
Where: | Boulder, Colorado, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800105 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 87 (submitted), 31 (accepted) |
Register count: | 170 (total) |
When: | May 3-5, 1976 |
Where: | Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800113 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 83 (submitted), 30 (accepted) |
Register count: | 201 (total) |
When: | May 5-7, 1975 |
Where: | Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800116 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 147 (total) |
Paper count: | 87 (submitted), 31 (accepted) |
When: | April 30 - May 2, 1974 |
Where: | Seattle, Washington, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800119 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 165 (total), 20 (students) |
Paper count: | 95 (submitted), 35 (accepted) |
When: | April 30 - May 2, 1973 |
Where: | Austin, Texas, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800125 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 137 (total) |
When: | May 1-3, 1972 |
Where: | Denver, Colorado, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800152 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 60 (submitted), 29 (accepted) |
When: | May 3-5, 1971 |
Where: | Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800157 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Paper count: | 50 (submitted), 23 (accepted) |
When: | May 4-6, 1970 |
Where: | Northampton, Massachusetts, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800161 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |
Register count: | 150 (total) |
Paper count: | 70 (submitted), 27 (accepted) |
When: | May 5-7, 1969 |
Where: | Marina del Rey, California, USA |
URL: | http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=800169 |
Topic: | algorithms, complexity |