In Fig. 379 we have the four most com-
monly used sizes of the A-format series.
The largest is A-l, the next A-2 and so
on. Thus we can have two sheets of A-4
from one of A-3, etc.
This series of page formats is extreme-
ly rational and economical in use. It has
brought simplicity and good order to every
stockist of paper who has practised the
system. If he has a stock, for example of
A-1 sheets, he is able quickly and without
any waste whatsoever to cut a supply
of any of the other sizes -- an important
factor in the busy printing industry of to-
So with the A-format. We need not
know the sizes in order to lay down the
proportions, but for the record the
respective sizes in use in Europe are
as follows:
A-1 = 840 x 594
A-2 = 594 x 420
A-3 = 420 x 297
A-4 = 297 x 210
A-5 = 210 x 148.5
Research into the history of the
A-format leads to a misty wilderness.