[These pages were authored by the late Thoki Yenn, and were restored here from the Internet Archive by Erik Demaine, with contributions of missing files from various readers (notably Tommy Stevens, Roberto Morassi, and Boaz Shuval). If you spot any other bugs like missing images or pages, please report them.]

Dollar Bill Flip Flop

Flip Flop from Dollar Bills - page 2.
E-Mail from Andrew Hans, U.S.A. along with photos on page 1.
Dear  Thoki:

Well, I finally conquered the Flip Flop a few weeks ago.  I had put it down, 
and several months later came back to it, and with the information by my 
friend Russ Sutherland, I was able to do it.  Little did I realize how close 
I was on the first attempt.

So, I was in a chat room with my origami friends (Paperwonders) for our usual 
Tuesday night chat, and I was discussing with Annie Pidel why the Flip Flop 
couldn't be adapted to a $.  I proposed to her 2 different methods--the first 
involved a single $ bill, hemmed so that the dimensions were 1:3.75.  A 
dollar bill (US) is 66x156mm, so a 12mm hem on each side would produce a bill 
of 42x156mm or 1:3.71.  The second method was to over lap 2 bills so you had 
a 66x247mm "bill"--the overlap being 91mm.  I told her I was going to try the 
first method as it is a more pure $ fold.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to 
make a go of it, as it was too thick and very unwieldy.  So, I set out for 
the 2 $ version.  That, however was still tricky as the bills moved and 
shifted in relation to each other and so what was necessary (much to my 
distaste) was some glue. 

A few days later I found out that Annie had folded the single $ version, 
which she ultimately sent me.  I took some digital pictures of them, and I am 
enclosing them for you to use on your website if you so desire.

I hope to hear from you or Kalmon, if you are  too busy.


Andrew Hans

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