[These pages were authored by the late Thoki Yenn, and were restored here from the Internet Archive by Erik Demaine, with contributions of missing files from various readers (notably Tommy Stevens, Roberto Morassi, and Boaz Shuval). If you spot any other bugs like missing images or pages, please report them.]



This drawing is from the book by Elsje van der Ploeg about the History of Origami: Papiervouwen, De geschiedenis van een cultuur.

This is Hanenpoot sitting proudly in his Paperboat This the a detail of the cover of Elsjes Book. Kalmon stands proudly in his Junk


But you promised ! we do not repair Windows 95 anymore !
one in series of Zoodiak pictures If yoiu want rto see the picture click on it

made for Vice-chairman John Smith of BOS


No,  we don't gp home yet.The universe is just an old sok turned inside out, with a hole at the toe.
Is there Hope or aspiration for TANGRAM ?
Do you come here often ?

o.k.  I am a capricor meself

Don't wait up for me-
updated 16. August 2000 Home or Origami
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