Selenographia Series (2014)

by Michael Benson, Erik Demaine, and Martin Demaine

Johannes Hevelius was a founder of lunar cartography; his Selenographia (1647) is an extraordinarily rich volume of lunar studies, resulting from four years spent observing the moon. His nomenclature for the lunar features did not take hold, but these names-that-might-have-been go well with our folded, distorted reinterpretation. This swirling equilibrium fold represents how space and time are flexible, warping and flexing depending on the forces at work.


[0401] “Selenographia Revisited” (2014), joint work with Michael Benson, elephant hide paper, 8" × 8" × 8" high:

[0402] “Selenographia Revisited II” (2014), joint work with Michael Benson, elephant hide paper, 9" × 13" × 11" high:

[H0281] “Transparent Moon” (2014), joint work with Michael Benson, elephant hide paper and hand-blown glass, 6" × 6" × 11" high:

Original Sheet of Paper

Here is the printed pattern on the piece of paper, from Hevelius's Selenographia (1647):

Other Curved Crease Sculpture by Demaine & Demaine

Last updated May 29, 2016 by Erik Demaine.Accessibility