Ada Font

by Ada Bienkowska, Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine, 2018

Two shapes. At age 3, Ada wrote both letters of her name (A and D) using two simpler symbols: a U shape and a line. Together we designed a complete typeface where each letter, digit, and punctuation is written with exactly these two symbols, each used exactly once. Every U shape has exactly the same proportions; the shapes are just rotated and/or scaled.

Puzzle fonts. To obscure the letters and turn text into a puzzle, you can rotate the U shapes by 180° and/or rotate the lines by 90° (using the checkboxes in the top right). You can also animate these rotations for a surprising animation font.

Related fonts. Gilles Esposito-Farèse independently designed in 2001 a “lipographic alphabet” that uses the same two symbols (U and line), furthermore maintains a consistent scale of the symbols, but doesn't always use both symbols (or equivalently, sometimes one symbol is shrunk to zero) and has varying-height letters.

Check out other mathematical and puzzle fonts. • Feedback or not working? Email Erik. • Source code on GitHub.