Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Erik D. Demaine, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, and Bojan Mohar, “Approximation Algorithms via Contraction Decomposition”, in Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007), New Orleans, Louisiana, January 7–9, 2007, pages 278–287.

We prove that the edges of every graph of bounded (Euler) genus can be partitioned into any prescribed number k of pieces such that contracting any piece results in a graph of bounded treewidth (where the bound depends on k). This decomposition result parallels an analogous, simpler result for edge deletions instead of contractions, obtained in [Bak94, Epp00, DDO+04, DHK05], and it generalizes a similar result for “compression” (a variant of contraction) in planar graphs [Kle05]. Our decomposition result is a powerful tool for obtaining PTASs for contraction-closed problems (whose optimal solution only improves under contraction), a much more general class than minor-closed problems. We prove that any contraction-closed problem satisfying just a few simple conditions has a PTAS in bounded-genus graphs. In particular, our framework yields PTASs for the weighted Traveling Salesman Problem and for minimum-weight c-edge-connected submultigraph on bounded-genus graphs, improving and generalizing previous algorithms of [GKP95, AGK+98, Kle05, Gri00, CGSZ04, BCGZ05]. We also highlight the only main difficulty in extending our results to general H-minor-free graphs.

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See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated February 24, 2025 by Erik Demaine.