Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Mihai Pǎtraşcu and Erik D. Demaine, “Logarithmic Lower Bounds in the Cell-Probe Model”, SIAM Journal on Computing, volume 35, number 4, 2006, pages 932–963. Special issue of selected papers from the 36th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2004.

We develop a new technique for proving cell-probe lower bounds on dynamic data structures. This technique enables us to prove an amortized randomized Ω(lg n) lower bound per operation for several data structural problems on n elements, including partial sums, dynamic connectivity among disjoint paths (or a forest or a graph), and several other dynamic graph problems (by simple reductions). Such a lower bound breaks a long-standing barrier of Ω(lg n / lg lg n) for any dynamic language membership problem. It also establishes the optimality of several existing data structures, such as Sleator and Tarjan's dynamic trees. We also prove the first Ω(logB n) lower bound in the external-memory model without assumptions on the data structure (such as the comparison model). Our lower bounds also give a query-update trade-off curve matched, e.g., by several data structures for dynamic connectivity in graphs. We also prove matching upper and lower bounds for partial sums when parameterized by the word size and the maximum additive change in an update.

This paper is also available from SIAM. This paper is also available as arXiv:cs.DS/0502041 of the Computing Research Repository (CoRR).

The paper is 32 pages.

The paper is available in PostScript (653k), gzipped PostScript (256k), and PDF (387k).
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Related papers:
DynamicConnectivity_STOC2004 (Lower Bounds for Dynamic Connectivity)
PartialSums_SODA2004 (Tight Bounds for the Partial-Sums Problem)

See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated February 24, 2025 by Erik Demaine.