Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Erik D. Demaine and Kritkorn Karntikoon, “Unfolding Orthotubes with a Dual Hamiltonian Path”, Thai Journal of Mathematics, volume 21, number 4, December 2023, pages 1011–1023.

An orthotube consists of orthogonal boxes (e.g., unit cubes) glued face-to-face to form a path. In 1998, Biedl et al. showed that every orthotube has a grid unfolding: a cutting along edges of the boxes so that the surface unfolds into a connected planar shape without overlap. We give a new algorithmic grid unfolding of orthotubes with the additional property that the rectangular faces are attached in a single path — a Hamiltonian path on the rectangular faces of the orthotube surface.

The paper is also available as arXiv:2201.12452 and from the journal.

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HamTube_TJCDCGGG2021 (Unfolding Orthotubes with a Dual Hamiltonian Path)

See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated July 23, 2024 by Erik Demaine.