Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Hugo A. Akitaya, Esther M. Arkin, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Vida Dujmović, Robin Flatland, Matias Korman, Belén Palop, Irene Parada, André van Renssen, and Vera Sacristán, “Universal Reconfiguration of Facet-Connected Modular Robots by Pivots: The O(1) Musketeers”, Algorithmica, volume 83, number 5, 2021, pages 1316–1351.

This paper is also available as arXiv:1908.07880 and from SpringerLink.

Currently unavailable. If you are in a rush for copies, contact me.
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HingedPixels_ESA2019 (Universal Reconfiguration of Facet-Connected Modular Robots by Pivots: The O(1) Musketeers)

See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated July 23, 2024 by Erik Demaine.