Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Erik D. Demaine and Martin L. Demaine, “Recent Results in Computational Origami”, in Origami3: Proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting of Origami Science, Math, and Education (OSME 2001), Monterey, California, March 9–11, 2001, pages 3–16, A K Peters.

Computational origami is a recent branch of computer science studying efficient algorithms for solving paper-folding problems. This field essentially began with Robert Lang's work on algorithmic origami design [25], starting around 1993. Since then, the field of computational origami has grown significantly. The purpose of this paper is to survey the work in the field, with a focus on recent results, and to present several open problems that remain. The survey cannot hope to be complete, but we attempt to cover most areas of interest.

Barry A. Cipra wrote an article describing some of these results, “In the Fold: Origami Meets Mathematics”, SIAM News 34(8):200-201, October 2001.

The submitted version is 10 pages.

The submitted version is available in PostScript (490k), gzipped PostScript (120k), and PDF (178k).
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Related webpages:
Folding and Unfolding

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Last updated February 24, 2025 by Erik Demaine.