Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Jean Cardinal, Erik D. Demaine, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret, Ilan Newman, and Oren Weimann, “The Stackelberg Minimum Spanning Tree Game on Planar and Bounded-Treewidth Graphs”, in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Internet & Network Economics (WINE 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5929, Rome, Italy, December 14–18, 2009, pages 125–136.

This paper is also available as arXiv:0906.3221 and from SpringerLink.

The paper is 15 pages.

The paper is available in PDF (242k).
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Related papers:
StackMST_JOCO (The Stackelberg Minimum Spanning Tree Game on Planar and Bounded-Treewidth Graphs)
StackMST_Algorithmica (The Stackelberg Minimum Spanning Tree Game)

See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated July 23, 2024 by Erik Demaine.