Paper by Erik D. Demaine
- Reference:
- Sachio Teramoto, Erik Demaine, and Ryuhei Uehara, “Voronoi game on graphs and its complexity”, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, volume 15, number 4, 2011, pages 485–501.
- Abstract:
The Voronoi game is a two-person game which is a model for a competitive
facility location. The game is played on a continuous domain, and only two
special cases (one-dimensional case and one-round case) are well investigated.
We introduce the discrete Voronoi game in which the game arena is given
as a graph. We first analyze the game when the arena is a large complete
k-ary tree, and give an optimal strategy. When both players play
optimally, the first player wins when k is odd, and the game ends in a
tie for even k. Next we show that the discrete Voronoi game is
intractable in general. Even for the one-round case in which the strategy
adopted by the first player consist of a fixed single node, deciding whether
the second player can win is NP-complete. We also show that deciding whether
the second player can win is PSPACE-complete in general.
- Comments:
- This paper is also available from JGAA.
- Availability:
- The paper is available in PDF (242k).
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- Related papers:
- VoronoiGame_CIG2006 (Voronoi game on graphs and its complexity)
See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated February 24, 2025 by
Erik Demaine.