Paper by Erik D. Demaine

Erik D. Demaine, “Higher-Order Concurrency in Java”, in Proceedings of the Parallel Programming and Java Conference (WoTUG20), Enschede, the Netherlands, April 12–16, 1997, pages 34–47.

In this paper we examine an extension to Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes model called higher-order concurrency, proposed by Reppy. In this extension, communication algorithms (or events) are first-class objects and can be created and manipulated dynamically. In addition, threads are automatically garbage collected and channels are first-class, that is, they can be passed over other channels. We describe the design of a Java package that implements the main features of higher-order concurrency, with similar ease-of-use to Reppy's Concurrent ML system. Our implementation can be easily extended to use a distributed system, which is a major limitation with Concurrent ML. We also hope to bring the idea of higher-order concurrency to a wider audience, since it is extremely powerful and flexible, but currently only well known to the programming-languages community.

The paper is 14 pages and the talk is 45 minutes.

The paper is available in PostScript (192k), gzipped PDF (433k), and ZIPped PDF (434k).
The talk is also available in PostScript (192k).
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Related papers:
CCC97 (Higher-Order Concurrency in PVM)
IPPS98 (Protocols for Non-Deterministic Communication over Synchronous Channels)
ProtocolsTR (Adaptive Protocols for Negotiating Non-Deterministic Choice over Synchronous Channels)

See also other papers by Erik Demaine.
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Last updated February 24, 2025 by Erik Demaine.