CSAIL Annual Meeting 2010 Puzzle
In what has become a regular event, Erik Demaine and
Martin Demaine give out
puzzles each year at our lab's Annual Meeting.
Here is the 2010 edition.
This puzzle is inspired by a puzzle “Ducks in a Row, No. 2”
by Chris Maslanka,
which was distributed as an exchange gift at the
9th Gathering for Gardner (G4G9).
There are four puzzles, one for each logo/image/message
(CSAIL logo, MIT logo, beaver silhouette, P=NP).
In each puzzle, your goal is to fold the square puzzle
down to a 1 × 4 row with four matching images.
Printing Notes
The puzzle was designed for color printing, but it will work fine
on a black-and-white printer.
The PDF file is the best combination of printing quality and small file size.
In either case, you need a suitable
Alternatively, you can print one of the images.
If you can print images scaled to fit, use 150dpi.
Otherwise, use 72dpi.