Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine's Puzzles:

CSAIL Annual Meeting 2021 Puzzle

In what has become a regular event, Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine give out puzzles each year at our lab's Annual Meeting. Here is the 2021 edition, which was designed with Klara Mundilova.

This puzzle is based on a mathematical/puzzle font and a 2020 paper by Aichholzer, Akitaya, Cheung, Demaine, Demaine, Fekete, Kleist, Kostitsyna, Löffler, Masárová, Mundilova, and Schmidt. It originally appeared as Problem Set 1 in our class on Geometric Folding Algorithms (6.849, Fall 2020).

[4-page PDF with all puzzles]
"M" puzzle
"I" puzzle
"T" puzzle

[4-page PDF with all puzzles]


You are given three rectangular puzzles with slits. In each case, your goal is to fold the puzzle only along the grid lines into a 1 × 1 × 1 cube. Can you solve all three puzzles?

Printing Notes

The puzzles must be printed on a separate page per puzzle (single sided), and then cut out along the outer rectangle and along the indicated slits.

The PDF files are the best combination of printing quality and small file size. You will need a suitable viewer. Alternatively, you can print one of the images. If you can print images scaled to fit, use 150dpi. Otherwise, use 72dpi.

Last updated June 23, 2024 by Erik Demaine.Accessibility