[These pages were authored by the late Thoki Yenn, and were restored here from the Internet Archive by Erik Demaine, with contributions of missing files from various readers (notably Tommy Stevens, Roberto Morassi, and Boaz Shuval). If you spot any other bugs like missing images or pages, please report them.]


Folding Currency

This skew Tetrahedron below is 1/6 part of a cube, in the booklet "13 Thoki Yenn ORIKATA" it is shown as folded from half a square, but I the great and Glorious Kalmon who is looking after the welfare of this old guy convinced him that he should use all the strips he had left over after having made squares out of A4 sheets of paper. The construction of the crease pattern will give you the format of the paper, that is how much to snip off at the end. You see Thok being sort of "scissor-frenic" has no fear of scissors. The crease lines are shown on the special Thoki Yenn currency where you will please note the monetary unit is ideas, and the notes are legal tender in the beautiful land of make believe.

You can use these skew tetrahedra to build cubes.Print out a whole stack and take 6 and make a CUBE, three left oriented and three right oriented. Make a PYRAMID with 8, 4 left and 4 right.

Take 12, six of each 'political' orientation, tape them together in a ring, Yes I wrote tape - sacrilege - alternating between left and right and it will flex in many funny shapes.


If you make a box that fits this shape and give it to a friend to play with, he might have difficulties in getting it back in the box again, because it can flex into many different forms, but the one that fits the box is not easily found.

Double Cube


updated 17. Mar. 1999

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